ELISA (酵素連結免疫吸附分析法)-Assay Kit-盟基生物科技

Assay Kit

ELISA (酵素連結免疫吸附分析法)

ELISA (酵素連結免疫吸附分析法)

Assay Kit

ELISA (酵素連結免疫吸附分析法)

高品質高穩定的 ELISA 套組,高精準度、高靈敏度、價格划算。

蛋白質實驗中最常使用 Western blotting 偵測目標蛋白質,但是此方法每次實驗的樣本數量有限,且無法精準地定量。因此,針對多樣本和定量的需求,一般會使用 Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (酵素連結免疫吸附分析法)。和 Western blotting 一樣,ELISA 也是透過抗體和抗原之間的專一性,辨認樣本中的目標蛋白質或小分子。經過樣本吸附和沖洗的過程,最後由抗體上面帶的 HRP 酵素,和 HRP 基質反應 (通常使用 TMB),最後偵測吸光值。對照標準品和樣本的呈色深淺,可以推算出目標蛋白質或小分子的濃度。

Elabscience 提供超過一千種 ELISA 套組選擇,針對多種物種和不同訊息功能,可以用來檢測細胞或組織中的蛋白質表現量或小分子含量。同時,Elabscience 嚴格的品質監控和優良的線性區間,使得其榮登2019 CiteAb Awards,年度最值得推薦 ELISA kit 供應商
除了一般 ELISA 吸光值偵測方法之外,Elabscience 還提供 CLIA kit (Chemiluminescent Immunoassay)。CLIA 和 ELISA,中間操作步驟完全相同,差別只在最後一步 HRP 基質,CLIA 使用冷光 HRP 基質,靈敏度更升級,為傳統 ELISA 的5倍以上,可到10 pg/mL 等級 (表一)。CLIA 有超過600種產品,任君挑選。

表一:CLIA 靈敏度高於一般 ELISA,下方以 Mouse TFF3 舉例
貨號 E-EL-M1200 E-CL-M0666
偵測目標 Mouse TFF3(Trefoil Factor 3, Intestinal)
反應時間 3.5h
偵測方式 吸光值 (A450) 冷光 (RLU)
靈敏度 46.88 pg/mL 9.38 pg/mL
終止反應 需加入 stop solution 不需要

1. 產品眾多:
針對多種物種,包括 human, mouse, rat, rabbit, monkey, porcine 等。
針對多種功能,包括 Cancer, Cardiovascular, Cell Biology, Cytokines, Developmental Biology, Epigenetics and Nuclear Signal, Immunology, Metabolism. Microbiology, Neuroscience, Signal Transduction, Stem Cells, Tags and Cell Markers 等。

2. 直接使用最方便:
包含所有試劑,盤子 (pre-coated)、抗體、清洗溶液、標準品等,不須額外準備和購買試劑。其中盤子為 pre-coated (預先吸附抗體),確保其產品穩定性 (Elabscience 不販售 uncoated ELISA)。

3. 高精準度:
Inter CV% 和 Intra CV% 皆小於10%,代表同一盤和不同盤之間的誤差極小,使得實驗重複性高,實驗數據更有說服力。

4. 高靈敏度:
靈敏度高,可到 pg 等級,也可選擇 CLIA kit (Chemiluminescent Immunoassay) 款式,靈敏度更升級 (表一)。

5. 高物種專一性:
不同物種之間的交互作用 Cross reactivity<10%。

6. 多篇文獻引用:
Elabscience 高品質的 ELISA 套組深受實驗者喜愛,已超過2000篇以上引用文獻,包含 Nature Medicine, Circulation, Cell Research, Gastroenterology 等,引用資訊請點我

7. 品質嚴謹:

8. 包裝彈性:

產品僅能儲存於4℃一個月,若預估未能於一個月內使用完畢,請於收到產品後立即拆封,並將 ELISA Plate, Standard, Concentrated Biotinylated Detection Ab (100×), Concentrated HRP Conjugate (100×) 儲存於-20℃,其他試劑儲存於4℃,如此可延長保存期限至少半年。

針對目標 貨號 產品名稱 方法 針對物種 線性區間
8-epi-PGF2α E-EL-0041 8-epi-PGF2α(8-Epi-Prostaglandin F2 Alpha) ELISA Kit Competitive Universal 15.63~1000pg/mL
8-OHdG E-EL-0028 8-OHdG(8-Hydroxydeoxyguanosine) ELISA Kit Competitive Universal 1.56~100ng/mL
ACH E-EL-0081 ACH(Acetylcholine) ELISA Kit Competitive Universal 15.63~1000pg/mL
ACTH E-EL-R0048 Rat ACTH(Adrenocorticotropic Hormone) ELISA Kit Competitive Rat 15.63~1000pg/mL
ADMA E-EL-0042 ADMA(Asymmetrical Dimethylarginine) ELISA Kit Competitive Universal 15.63~1000ng/mL
ADP/Acrp30 E-EL-H6122 Human ADP/Acrp30(Adiponectin) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 0.16~10ng/mL
Ang-Ⅱ E-EL-H0326 Human Ang-Ⅱ(Angiotensin Ⅱ) ELISA Kit Competitive Human 31.25~2000pg/mL
APLN E-EL-H0456 Human APLN(Apelin) ELISA Kit Competitive Human 62.5~4000pg/mL
ApoB48 E-EL-H6084 Human ApoB48(Apolipoprotein B48) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 1.56~100ng/mL
Aβ1-40 E-EL-H0542 Human Aβ1-40(Amyloid Beta 1-40) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 15.63~1000pg/mL
BDNF E-EL-H0010 Human BDNF(Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 31.25~2000pg/mL
C3a E-EL-M0337 Mouse C3a(Complement Component 3a) ELISA Kit Sandwich Mouse 0.156~10ng/mL
C5a E-EL-MK1612 Monkey C5a(Complement Component 5a) ELISA Kit Sandwich Monkey 0.16~10ng/mL
CPP E-EL-H0851 Human CPP(Copeptin) ELISA Kit Competitive Human 31.25~2000pg/mL
CRP E-EL-H0043 Human CRP(C-Reactive Protein) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 0.39~25ng/mL
CTXⅠ E-EL-H0835 Human CTXⅠ(Cross Linked C-telopeptide of Type Ⅰ Collagen) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 0.16~10ng/mL
CTXⅠ E-EL-M3023 Mouse CTXⅠ(Cross Linked C-telopeptide of Type Ⅰ Collagen) ELISA Kit Sandwich Mouse 31.25~2000pg/mL
CTXⅠ E-EL-R1456 Rat CTXⅠ(Cross Linked C-telopeptide of Type Ⅰ Collagen) ELISA Kit Sandwich Rat 0.16~10ng/mL
CTX-Ⅱ E-EL-H0837 Human CTX-Ⅱ(Cross Linked C-telopeptide of Type Ⅱ Collagen) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 0.16~10ng/mL
DA E-EL-0046 DA(Dopamine) ELISA Kit Competitive Universal 31.25~2000pg/mL
E2 E-EL-0150 Human/Monkey/Mouse E2(Estradiol) Competitive Human/Monkey/Mouse 9.37~600pg/mL
E2 E-EL-0152 Rat/Porcine E2(Estradiol) ELISA Kit Competitive Rat/Porcine 1.56~100pg/mL
EPI E-EL-0045 EPI(Epinephrine/Adrenaline) ELISA Kit Competitive Universal 31.25~2000pg/mL
ET-1 E-EL-H0064 Human ET-1(Endothelin 1) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 1.25~80pg/mL
F1+2 E-EL-H1793 Human F1+2(Prothrombin Fragment 1+2) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 46.88~3000pg/mL
FGF21 E-EL-H0074 Human FGF21(Fibroblast Growth Factor 21) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 31.25~2000pg/mL
FGF23 E-EL-H1116 Human FGF23(Fibroblast Growth Factor 23) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 15.63~1000pg/mL
FNDC5 E-EL-H2254 Human FNDC5(Fibronectin type Ⅲ domain-containing protein 5) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 0.16~10ng/mL
FSH E-EL-R0391 Rat FSH(Follicle Stimulating Hormone) ELISA Kit Sandwich Rat 3.13~200ng/mL
GAL3 E-EL-H1470 Human GAL3(Galectin 3) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 0.16~10ng/mL
GFAP E-EL-H6093 Human GFAP(Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 15.63~1000pg/mL
GHRL E-EL-H1919 Human GHRL(Ghrelin) ELISA Kit Competitive Human 0.16~10ng/mL
GLP-1 E-EL-H6025 Human GLP-1(Glucagon Like Peptide 1) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 1.56~100pg/mL
GPX1 E-EL-H5410 Human GPX1(Glutathione Peroxidase 1) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 31.25~2000pg/mL
GSH E-EL-0026 GSH(Glutathione) ELISA Kit Competitive Universal 1.56~100μg/mL
HBsAg E-EL-H6080 Human HBsAg(Hepatitis B surface antigen) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 0.31~20ng/mL
Hepc E-EL-H6013 Human Hepc(Hepcidin) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 62.5~4000pg/mL
HIF-1α E-EL-H6066 Human HIF-1α(Hypoxia Inducible Factor 1 Alpha) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 62.5~4000pg/mL
HIS E-EL-0032 HIS(Histamine) ELISA Kit Competitive Universal 1.56~100ng/mL
HMGB-1 E-EL-H1554 Human HMGB-1(High Mobility Group Protein B1) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 31.25~2000pg/mL
HMGB-1 E-EL-M0676 Mouse HMGB-1(High Mobility Group Protein B1) ELISA Kit Sandwich Mouse 15.625~1000pg/mL
HS E-EL-H2364 Human HS(Heparan Sulfate) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 0.31~20ng/mL
hs-CRP E-EL-H5134 Human hs-CRP(high-sensitivity C-Reactive Protein) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 15.63~1000pg/mL
IDO E-EL-H2162 Human IDO(Indoleamine-2,3-Dioxygenase) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 0.31~20ng/mL
IFN-γ E-EL-H0108 Human IFN-γ(Interferon Gamma) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 15.63~1000pg/mL
IGF-1 E-EL-H0086 Human IGF-1(Insulin-like Growth Factor 1) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 1.56~100ng/mL
IL-10 E-EL-H6154 Human IL-10(Interleukin 10) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 7.81~500pg/mL
IL-10 E-EL-R0016 Rat IL-10(Interleukin 10) ELISA Kit Sandwich Rat 31.25~2000pg/mL
IL-17 E-EL-H0105 Human IL-17(Interleukin 17) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 31.25~2000pg/mL
IL-1β E-EL-R0012 Rat IL-1β(Interleukin 1 Beta) ELISA Kit Sandwich Rat 31.25~2000pg/mL
IL-1β E-EL-H0149 Human IL-1β(Interleukin 1 Beta) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 7.81~500pg/mL
IL-1β E-EL-M0037 Mouse IL-1β(Interleukin 1 Beta) ELISA Kit Sandwich Mouse 7.81~500pg/mL
IL-23 E-EL-H0107 Human IL-23(Interleukin 23) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 39.06~2500pg/mL
IL-35 E-EL-H2443 Human IL-35(Interleukin 35) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 15.63~1000pg/mL
IL-6 E-EL-H6156 Human IL-6(Interleukin 6) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 7.81~500pg/mL
IL-6 E-EL-R0015 Rat IL-6(Interleukin 6) ELISA Kit Sandwich Rat 12.5~800pg/mL
IL-6 E-EL-M0044 Mouse IL-6(Interleukin 6) ELISA Kit Sandwich Mouse 31.25~2000pg/mL
IL-8 E-EL-H6008 Human IL-8(Interleukin 8) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 7.81~500pg/mL
INS E-EL-R3034 Rat INS(Insulin) ELISA Kit Sandwich Rat 6.25~400pg/mL
IP3 E-EL-0059 IP3(Inositol Triphosphate) ELISA Kit Competitive Universal 15.63~1000pg/mL
KL E-EL-H5451 Human KL(Klotho) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 0.31~20ng/mL
LEP E-EL-H6017 Human LEP(Leptin) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 15.63~1000pg/mL
LEP E-EL-R0582 Rat LEP(Leptin) ELISA Kit Sandwich Rat 0.16~10ng/mL
LH E-EL-R0026 Rat LH(Luteinizing Hormone) ELISA Kit Sandwich Rat 1.56~100mIU/mL
LH E-EL-M3053 Mouse LH(Luteinizing Hormone) ELISA Kit Sandwich Mouse 0.31~20ng/mL
LL-37 E-EL-H2438 Human LL-37(Antibacterial Protein LL-37) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 1.56~100ng/mL
MCP-1 E-EL-H6005 Human MCP-1(Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 1) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 62.5~4000pg/mL
MDA E-EL-0060 MDA(Malondialdehyde) ELISA Kit Competitive Universal 31.25~2000ng/mL
MR-ProADM E-EL-H5441 Human MR-ProADM(Mid-regional pro-adrenomedullin) ELISAKit Sandwich Human 15.63~1000pg/mL
MT E-EL-H2016 Human MT(Melatonin) ELISA Kit Competitive Human 15.63~1000pg/mL
NA/NE E-EL-0047 NA/NE(Noradrenaline/Norepinephrine) ELISA Kit Competitive Universal 0.31~20ng/mL
NGAL E-EL-H0096 Human NGAL(Neutrophil Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 0.16~10ng/mL
NT-proBNP E-EL-M0834 Mouse NT-proBNP(N-terminal pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit Sandwich Mouse 15.625~1000pg/mL
NT-proBNP E-EL-H0902 Human NT-proBNP(N-Terminal Pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 0.63~40ng/mL
OC/BGP E-EL-R0243 Rat OC/BGP(Osteocalcin) ELISA Kit Sandwich Rat 0.78~50ng/mL
OC/BGP E-EL-M0864 Mouse OC/BGP(Osteocalcin) ELISA Kit Sandwich Mouse 0.391~25ng/mL
OPG E-EL-H1341 Human OPG(Osteoprotegerin) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 0.16~10ng/mL
OT E-EL-0029 OT(Oxytocin) ELISA Kit Competitive Universal 15.63~1000pg/mL
OxLDL E-EL-H6021 Human OxLDL(Oxidized Low Density Lipoprotein) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 62.5~4000pg/mL
PⅠNP E-EL-H0185 Human PⅠNP(Procollagen Ⅰ N-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 15.63~1000pg/mL
PⅠNP E-EL-M0233 Mouse PⅠNP(Procollagen Ⅰ N-Terminal Propeptide) ELISA Kit Sandwich Mouse 93.75~6000pg/mL
PⅢNP E-EL-H0183 Human PⅢNP(N-Terminal Procollagen Ⅲ Propeptide) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 23.44~1500pg/mL
PAP E-EL-H2101 Human PAP(Plasmin-Antiplasmin Complex) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 3.13~200ng/mL
PGE2 E-EL-0034 PGE2(Prostaglandin E2) ELISA Kit Competitive Universal 31.25~2000pg/mL
PKM2 E-EL-H6063 Human PKM2(Pyruvate Kinase, Muscle) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 15.63~1000IU/mL
PYY E-EL-H1237 Human PYY(Peptide YY) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 31.25~2000pg/mL
S100B E-EL-H1297 Human S100B(S100 Calcium Binding Protein B) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 31.25~2000pg/mL
SOD1 E-EL-H1113 Human SOD1(Superoxide Dismutase 1, Soluble) ELISA Kit Competitive Human 62.5~4000pg/mL
ST/5-HT E-EL-0033 ST/5-HT(Serotonin/5-Hydroxytryptamine) ELISA Kit Competitive Universal 15.63~1000ng/mL
TGF-β1 E-EL-H0110 Human TGF-β1(Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 31.25~2000pg/mL
TIMP-1 E-EL-H0184 Human TIMP-1(Tissue Inhibitors of Metalloproteinase 1) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 0.16~10ng/mL
TL1A E-EL-MK1946 Monkey TL1A(Tumor Necrosis Factor Related Ligand 1A) ELISA Kit Sandwich Monkey 0.16~10ng/mL
TNF-α E-EL-H0109 Human TNF-α(Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 7.81~500pg/mL
TNF-α E-EL-R2856 Rat TNF-α(Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha) ELISA Kit Sandwich Rat 78.13~5000pg/mL
TNF-α E-EL-M3063 Mouse TNF-α(Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha) ELISA Kit Sandwich Mouse 31.25~2000pg/mL
TSH E-EL-R0976 Rat TSH(Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) ELISA Kit Sandwich Rat 1.25~80ng/mL
VEGF-A E-EL-H0111 Human VEGF-A(Vascular Endothelial Cell Growth Factor A) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 31.25~2000pg/mL
VF E-EL-H1763 Human VF(Visfatin) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 0.31~20ng/mL
Zonulin E-EL-H5560 Human Zonulin ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 0.78~50ng/mL
β-EP E-EL-H0572 Human β-EP(Beta-Endorphin) ELISA Kit Competitive Human 15.63~1000pg/mL
蛋白質實驗中最常使用 Western blotting 偵測目標蛋白質,但是此方法每次實驗的樣本數量有限,且無法精準地定量。因此,針對多樣本和定量的需求,一般會使用 Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (酵素連結免疫吸附分析法)。和 Western blotting 一樣,ELISA 也是透過抗體和抗原之間的專一性,辨認樣本中的目標蛋白質或小分子。經過樣本吸附和沖洗的過程,最後由抗體上面帶的 HRP 酵素,和 HRP 基質反應 (通常使用 TMB),最後偵測吸光值。對照標準品和樣本的呈色深淺,可以推算出目標蛋白質或小分子的濃度。除了一般的 ELISA 之外,Elabscience 還提供省時間新配方 QuicKey ELISA。

QuicKey ELISA 較一般的 ELISA 省下一小時,原因是於 ELISA 操作過程中,第一步的樣本和 detection antibody 操作,一般的 ELISA 要分成兩步反應,而 QuicKey ELISA 可以一起加入反應 (圖一),因此能夠省下一小時,且不影響 sensitivity, specificity, accuracy and stability 等特性 (表一)。
圖一:QuicKey ELISA 操作示意圖,其中第一步樣本和 detection antibody 一起加入反應,有別於一般 ELISA 要分兩步反應,因此能省下一小時,而後面的操作步驟皆相同。

表一:QuicKey ELISA 比一般 ELISA 更快速、更方便、更穩定
  一般 ELISA QuicKey ELISA
反應時間 3.5h 2.5h
樣本體積 100 uL 50 uL
步驟 7 steps (抗體和樣本分開加入) 6 steps (抗體和樣本一起加入)
試劑儲存方式 部分 -20°C,部分 4°C 全部 4°C

1. 省下一小時:
和一般 ELISA 相比,第一步可同時加入樣本和 detection antibody 一起反應,有別於一般 ELISA 分兩步反應,因此能夠省下一小時,整個操作也更簡單 (表一)。

2. 只需一半的樣本體積:
新配方的試劑靈敏度更好,因此只需要一半的樣本體積 (表一)。

3. 試劑更穩定:
一般的 ELISA 只能儲存於4oC一個月,或者必須於收到產品後立即拆封,將部分試劑儲存於-20oC,部分儲存於4oC。而 QuicKey ELISA 配方經過優化,試劑更穩定,可全部儲存於4oC至少半年 (表一)。

4. 和一般的 ELISA 相比,價格更優惠
5. 直接使用最方便:
包含所有試劑,盤子 (pre-coated)、抗體、清洗溶液、標準品等,不須額外準備和購買試劑。其中盤子為 pre-coated (預先吸附抗體),確保其產品穩定性 (Elabscience 不販售 uncoated ELISA)。

6. 高精準度:
Inter CV% 和 Intra CV% 皆小於10%,代表同一盤和不同盤之間的誤差極小,使得實驗重複性高,實驗數據更有說服力。

7. 品質嚴謹:

8. 包裝彈性:

目前僅有19種產品,包括 Renal function biomarker, Inflammation biomarker, Signal transduction 三類,產品詳細資訊請點選此處連結

針對目標 貨號 產品名稱 方法 針對物種 線性區間
ADP/Acrp30 E-TSEL-H0020 QuicKey Human ADP/Acrp30(Adiponectin) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 0.39~25 ng/mL
ALB E-TSEL-H0029 QuicKey Human ALB(Albumin) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 1.56~100 ng/mL
BMG/β2-MG E-TSEL-H0004 QuicKey Human BMG/β2-MG(Beta-2-Microglobulin) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 0.78~50 ng/mL
CLU E-TSEL-H0014 QuicKey Human CLU(Clusterin) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 1.56~100 ng/mL
CRP E-TSEL-H0007 QuicKey Human CRP(C-Reactive Protein) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 0.39~25 ng/mL
Cys-C E-TSEL-H0008 QuicKey Human Cys-C(Cystatin C) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 0.31~20 ng/mL
IgA E-TSEL-H0019 QuicKey Human IgA(Immunoglobulin A) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 6.25~400 ng/mL
IgE E-TSEL-H0016 QuicKey Human IgE(Immunoglobulin E) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 0.78~50 ng/mL
IgG E-TSEL-M0003 QuicKey Mouse IgG(Immunoglobulin G) ELISA Kit Sandwich Mouse 1.56~100 ng/mL
IgG E-TSEL-H0011 QuicKey Human IgG(Immunoglobulin G) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 1.56~100 ng/mL
IgM E-TSEL-H0010 QuicKey Human IgM(Immunoglobulin M) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 7.80~500 ng/mL
MAU E-TSEL-H0005 QuicKey Human MAU(Microalbuminuria) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 1.56~100 ng/mL
NGAL E-TSEL-H0003 QuicKey Human NGAL(Neutrophil Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 0.13~8 ng/mL
PCT E-TSEL-H0002 QuicKey Human PCT(Procalcitonin) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 0.31~20 ng/mL
RBP4 E-TSEL-H0006 QuicKey Human RBP4(Retinol Binding Protein 4) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 3.13~100 ng/mL
TF E-TSEL-H0001 QuicKey Human TF(Transferrin) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 0.14~100 ng/mL
TG E-TSEL-H0025 QuicKey Human TG(Thyroglobulin) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 15.63~1000 pg/mL
TGF-α E-TSEL-H0027 QuicKey Human TGF-α(Transforming Growth Factor Alpha) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 31.25~2000 pg/mL
VEGF-A E-TSEL-H0026 QuicKey Human VEGF-A(Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A) ELISA Kit Sandwich Human 0.04~10 ng/mL
使用冷光 HRP substrate,靈敏度更升級,靈敏度為傳統 ELISA 的5倍,可到 10 pg/mL 等級,中間操作步驟完全相同。超過600種,任君挑選。

CLIA 靈敏度更高,舉例 Mouse TFF3
貨號 E-EL-M1200 E-CL-M0666
偵測目標 Mouse TFF3(Trefoil Factor 3, Intestinal)
反應時間 3.5h
偵測方式 吸光值 (A450) 冷光 (RLU)
靈敏度 46.88 pg/mL 9.38 pg/mL
終止反應 需加入 stop solution 不需要